「  あ、うん  」の「  あ  」の方

毛糸 on 焼杉板の壁 of 松島酒店, 2010


路地の入口に、おしゃべりしてる人を描きました。  タイトルは、「あ」。「あ、うん」の「あ」の方です。  路地は、車が一台通れるか通れないかくらいの道幅。 緩くカーブして、足元の溝の蓋が心地良く鳴ります。 この先 南へ55メートル、別の路地との小さな交差点に、 「あ、うん」の「うん」の方は、現れます。     海と人、昔と今と、暮らしとアート。  訪れる人が多くなって、誰が申し合わせる訳でもなく、 花を飾る家が増えたそうです。例えば、そんなふうなこと。 「あ」と言えば「うん」。 お互いに呼応する姿を描きたいなと思ったのです。




'  A  '   of   '  a-un  '

yarn on woodywall of Matsushima Liquor, 2010

Have you visited Japanese shrine?  If your ansewr is yes,  I guess you have seen the pair of spluctures of liondogs or masclemen on the both sides of the gate or the entrance.  One of a pair whose mouth is open is called the form of " A ",  and closed is called the form of " UN ".   " A " means the begining of the universe, and " UN " means the end, orignally .  Then the word " AUN " has more familir meaning, is used to express the good combination.    I drew a person talking to someone. And one more listening to somebody.  Naturally each tittle was desided.   My ' A ' of ' a-un ' was made in just time for the bigining of the first Setouchi Triennale.  And it's located on an alley entrance. And when you walk 55m (180ft.) ahaed, ' Un ' of ' a-un ' appears on the closs-point with another alley.    How will you feel the chatting between ' A ' of ' a-un ' and ' Un ' of ' a-un ' ?   I'm looking forward to it.



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