Kazuharu ISHIKAWA online exhibition
Jan 11-Feb 7, 2012
(left)"Imo inochi",2011,silk・acrylic・cotton 18.0X14.0cm
(right)"evergreen tree",2012,yarn・gauze 42.2X29.5cm
(right)"evergreen tree",2012,yarn・gauze 42.2X29.5cm
A message from the Artist:
When the sun is up,the plants receive sunlight and open its leaves.
No matter how big the sorrow is,greens keep living and surviving.
They make us realize that we have to live.
work lists on the right:
"young tree in April",2012,wool・hemp 72.7X50.0cm
"young tree in April"2012,wool・mixed fabrics(hemp&cotton) 41.5X24.8cm
"rising"2012,wool・mixed fabrics(hemp&cotton) 72.7X68.5cm
"young tree in April",2012,wool・hemp 72.7X50.0cm
"young tree in April"2012,wool・mixed fabrics(hemp&cotton) 41.5X24.8cm
"rising"2012,wool・mixed fabrics(hemp&cotton) 72.7X68.5cm
"evergreen tree",detail "young tree in April",detail
"young tree in April",detail "rising",detail
"young tree in April",detail "rising",detail
※If you would like to see these works in person,please contact us.
Other works and bio of Kazuharu ISHIKAWA:https://yukari-art.jp/en/kazuharu_ishikawa_en/