"Sotokoto" magazine introducing Yodogawa Technique
"Sotokoto",a very popular magazine in Japan is introducing Yodogawa Technique's work. "Sotokoto" Issue September,2014 serial story 「憂国呆談」by Yasuo Tanaka & Akira Asada For details:Yasuo Tanaka's official website (Photo from...
Hiroki TASHIRO open atelier in Düsseldorf,Germany
Hiroki Tashiro, who now lives in Düsseldorf,Germany for "Overseas Training Grant for Emerging Artists" by Agency for Cultural Affairs, Japan participated in an open atelier event "kunst punkte" on August 23 & 24,2014.
Kazuharu ISHIKAWA solo exhibition
Kazuharu ISHIKAWA's solo exhibition "Tadaima 〜I am home〜" is starting tomorrow (August 23) in his hometown Nara prefecture. click here for details of the exhibition: Kazuharu ISHIKAWA "Tadaima 〜I am home〜"
Press coverage: Yodogawa Technique in Taipei,Fubon Park
聯合報 自由時報 蘋果日報 Exhibition:Very Fun Park 2014 Date : ~September 24,2014 Venue : Song Shan Cultural Park,Taipei
Installation view: Sweet Paradox exhibition
Installation view of "Sweet Paradox" being held at Mizuma Gellery,Singapore.
《movie》Yodogawa Technique's work in Taipei from 蘋果日報
Please click here for a short movie and images from 蘋果日報 introducing works exhibited in "Very fun work" including Yodogawa Technique's work: 蘋果日報 Exhibition:Very Fun Park 2014 Date:July 19-September 14,2014 Venue:松山文化公園 Song Shan Cultural...
Press coverage: "Sweet Paradox" exhibition
Press coverage of "Sweet Paradox" at Mizuma Gallery,Singapore: "Sweet Paradox Press coverage"
Photos of Yodogawa Technique's works in Taipei
Please enjoy the photos of Yodogawa Technique's works in Taipei! Exhibiton:Very Fun Park 2014 Date:July19-September 14,2014 Venue:松山文化公園 Song Shan Cultural Park,Taipei
A Japanese group show by 5 artists “SWEET PARADOX”
A Japanse group show by 5 artists "SWEET PARADOX" July 11 thru Aug 10,2014 Artists from YUKARI ART is exhibiting at "Sweet Paradox" held at MIZUMA GALLLERY, Singapore. A Japanese group show curated by father and daughter, mr. Mizuma and ms. Yukari from YUKARI ART that...