Extended;Shintaro OHATA online exhibition "Polaris"
Shintaro OHATA's online exhibition "Polaris" has been extended until April 20. Those who missed Art Fair Tokyo or wish to see the works exhibited at the fair again,please take this opportunity and visit our website.Yodogawa-Technique's online exhibition is starting on...
Thank you for visiting our booths in ART FAIR TOKYO.
ART FAIR TOKYO 2012 came to an end on Sunday, April 1. Many many thanks to all of you who kindly visited our booths,P20-Shintaro OHATA and project in PROJECTS-Yodogawa Technique. We will update the photos later! Thank you very much again. YUKARI ART
We will be temporarily closed to participate in ART FAIR TOKYO
From March 29 to April 6, we will be closed to participate in ART FAIR TOKYO. For details of the fair,please click here. Thank you very much for your kind cooperation. YUKARI ART
Tashiro created a trophy for TOKYO PRIZE again
Hiroki TASHIRO again created a trophy for Tokyo Prize. 'Tokyo Prize' was founded by CLA-arts last year to award an individual for outstanding contribution to contemporary culture in Japan. Hiroki Tashiro's bio and works:...
Yodogawa-Technique's latest work in Maldives!
Yodogawa-Technique has just completed their new work in Maldives,and the exhibition there in which they are joining has started! Exhibition details: Title:"Breathing Atolls: Japan-Maldives Contemporary art exhibition" Period:March 20-April 19,2012 Venue:National Art...
We are participating in ART FAIR TOKYO! (details)
YUKARI ART is pleased to announce that we are participating in ART FAIR TOKYO from March 30 thru April 1,2012.We are going to have 2 booths, and Shintaro OHATA & Yodogawa-Technique will both have their solo shows. 《Exhibition details》 Shintaro OHATA :Booth...
Ishikawa's latest work in Naoshima,the island of art
Kazuharu ISHIKAWA's new work in Naoshima,the art island of Seto Inland Sea,has been just completed! The work will be found in a private house near Go'o shrine. You can also find his works at several places in Naoshima. Title:"HALUNOHA"(Spring leaves) Go'o...
Ohata & Yodogawa-Technique on "Monthly Gallery" magazine
Shintaro OHATA and Yodogawa Technique are now being featured in the article "Art Fair Tokyo 2012" on "Monthly Gallery" magazine (issue March 2012). ‘Monthly Gallery’(Gekkan Bijyutsu) magazine Website: Shintaro OHATA Bio and...
Yodogawa-Technique @ OPENERS
Yodogawa-technique is introduced by a web magazine "OPENERS". Please have a look! For details:"OPENERS" website Bio and works of Yodogawa Technique: Artists Yodogawa-Technique