Yodogawa Technique is exhibiting their work at "Kyoto International Film and Art Festival". October 16-19,2014 at Former Rissei elementary school Clic...
Please enjoy the photos of Yodogawa Technique's large scale sculpture being exhibited in Helsingør,Denmark. The artists stayed there for about a month...
Please enjoy "udn News" from Taipei! udn News-Yodogawa Technique Exhibiton:Very Fun Park 2014 Date:July19-September 14,2014 Venue:松山文化公園 Song Shan Cul...
"Sotokoto",a very popular magazine in Japan is introducing Yodogawa Technique's work. "Sotokoto" Issue September,2014 serial story 「憂国呆談」by Yasuo Tana...
Please click here for a short movie and images from 蘋果日報 introducing works exhibited in "Very fun work" including Yodogawa Technique's work: 蘋果日報 Exhi...