Taihei is joining a talk event@SUNDAY ISSUE
Taihei is joining a talk event at SUNDAY ISSUE in SHIBUYA "Alternative platform;cultures in the future" with emerging platform director,curator and lawyer etc on January 30. *Facebook page of the event *YUKARI ART'S past exhibition by Taihei「startbahn」...
★HAPPY LUNAR NEW YEAR from YUKARI ART★ May your 2012 be filled with lots of magic and dreams!!! We are now having Kazuharu ISHIKAWA's online exhibiiton. Please kindly have a look!:"RISING" by Kazuharu ISHIKAWA
Ohata @ 'Monthly Gallery' magazine
Shintaro OHATA is now being featured on ‘Monthly Gallery’ magazine (issue January 2012)as one of the emerging artists in 2012. ‘Monthly Gallery’(Gekkan Bijyutsu) magazine Website: Shintaro OHATA Bio:...
Kazuharu ISHIKAWA exhibition "RISING"
Kazuharu ISHIKAWA online exhibition ''RISING'' Jan 11-Feb 7, 2012 (left)"Imo inochi",2011,silk・acrylic・cotton 18.0X14.0cm (right)"evergreen tree",2012,yarn・gauze 42.2X29.5cm === A message from the Artist: When the sun is up,the plants receive sunlight and open its...
Happy new year!
Happy new year! May this year be happy and fruitful for all of you. We look forward to seeing you a lot(!) in 2012. YUKARI ART
Thank you!
Thank you very much for all of your help in 2011. We wish you a joyous and prosperous New Year!!! YUKARI ART
Ohata,selected for "Top 10 Breakthrough Artists in 2011"
Shintato Ohata has just been selected for "Top 10 Breakthrough Artists in 2011" by a cultural web magazine in the USA. For details: Shintaro Ohata Bio:
We are closed for the winter holiday.
From December 21 to January 10, we will be closed for our gallery's maintenance and winter holidays. Thank you very much for your kind cooperation. We wish you a safe and happy holiday season! YUKARI ART
Yodogawa-Technique on 'The All Art Lovers’ Absolute Guide to Contemporary Japanese Artists'
Yodogawa-Technique is introduced on 'The All Art Lovers’ Absolute Guide to Contemporary Japanese Artists' a new book just released. For details(Bijutsu Shuppan-Sha Website):