Yodogawa Technique (Hideaki SHIBATA) is having a talk with Mr.Kazumasa SASHIDE, chief editor of SOTOKOTO magazine. The theme of the talk is "River in ...
Kazuharu ISHIKAWA:Monthly Gallery ・Issue September 2018, featuring "400 art works now in Japan" Shintaro OHATA : Monthly Art Collectors・Issue Septembe...
Yodogawa Technique has just completed a large scale work commissioned by Hiroshima Hino Motors, Ltd., and created its mascot character "Hinokko" by us...
Akira YOSHIDA is participating in a group exhibition at Yamagata Biennale 2018 The exhibition titled "Between cafe and sculpture" will be held at NEL ...
Kazuharu ISHIKAWA is again invited to create his work at Museum SODA located in the suburb of Seoul,Korea. Thanks to the museum staff and many visitor...
Akira YOSHIDA's solo exhibition "Play with soft toys" will be held at HIROUMI in Arakawa,Tokyo from 7th thru 27th of July, 2018. Don't miss it! Exhibi...
Shintaro OHATA's solo exhibition "Resonate" will be held at Mizuma Gallery in Singapore from 30th of June thru 12th of August, 2018. We look forward t...
Yodogawa Technique is exhibiting its work for "World Environment Day" (5th of June) by UN Environment. One of its works "Sazareuo" will be shown at 2n...
Art works made with yarn by Kazuharu ISHIKAWA in Naoshima, an art island of Japan have been loved by local people and visitors alike. His first work i...
Yodogawa Technique's work "Chinu,Uno" appears in TV commercial for JR West (Japan Railways) together with a popular Japanese actress Yukie NAKAMA. To ...