(English text below)

展覧会の詳細はこちら:「呼吸する環礁〜モルディブ・日本 現代美術展」の帰国展

「モルディブってどこ?〜淀川テクニックin モルディブ共和国」第2弾!







“Where on earth is Maldives?”

~Yodogawa-Technique in Republic of Maldives・vol.2~

(Please click here for vol.1)

When we went to the National Museum in Maldives last December to prepare for our exhibition , a pure white Buddha head made with limestone(Coral) and mortar was exhibited. The contrast there, with the decorative pieces of Islamic art were quite impressive. However,we heard Islamic fundamentalist invaded the museum and destroyed Buddhism works when some demonstration occurred. We visited the museum again this time,however,we could no longer see any Buddhism pieces.

"It is really sad.Those invaders are crazy!"said a Maldivian girl who we became friend there. Then,she kindly told us many stories about present and past in Maldives .We had learned a lot about the islands from her.Although they are geographically far from Japan, having quite different history, culture, and religion from us,we somehow thought that the situation of our country now which has to move on with countless difficult problems are somewhat similar to Maldives.

Our motif this time is a bonito, a speciality of Maldives. Needless to say, the work is all made with garbage in Maldives. Our large bonito is made from a collection of small colorful garbage fish. We named the work "Sazare-uo(fish) ". We got a inspiration from a word of our national anthem "Sazare-ishi(stone)". "Sazare-ishi" means when small stones get together taking long period of time, they bind each other, become solid again, and turn into one large rock. According to my Junior high school teacher,it is a symbol of strong alignment and unity. I quoted this word and came up with an idea naming our bonito "Sazare- uo".
(To be continued:vol.3)

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